In the News:
Business value of social networking
8 Secrets from Power Networking Pros
Learning from your network
Jefferson students on Twitter
Task 1:
Discuss good character and the importance of relationships, respect, and caring within a network and community (physical and digital). Challenge your students to identify and award one (or two or twelve!) of their peers with a good character award from Character Counts!
Task 2:
How are you modeling a network? How are your students networking? Try this classroom example of teaching students about networking for their future. Try talking to students about how to connect for learning and creating a Student Learning Network! Need to know more? This webinar from PBS LearningMedia’s “Get Your Tech On” series discusses social media in the classroom.
Task 3:
Part of being a good citizen includes connecting and communicating with people in a respectful way, regardless of background, opinion, or platform. Anonymity on social media can be a tempting way to leave hurtful or rude feedback or comments when you don’t see eye-to-eye with others. It’s important to remember that being respectful of others is an expectation in all walks of life. This Digizen resource explains what you need to know about using social media for positive purposes, provides reports and data for sharing, and offers activities to practice positive networking. Have students try one or all!
Task 4: Assigning the "marketing" of your class to your students can be a great way for them to take ownership, understand the value of connecting and collaborating with others, and an authentic way to practice good citizenship!
Business value of social networking
8 Secrets from Power Networking Pros
Learning from your network
Jefferson students on Twitter
Task 1:
Discuss good character and the importance of relationships, respect, and caring within a network and community (physical and digital). Challenge your students to identify and award one (or two or twelve!) of their peers with a good character award from Character Counts!
Task 2:
How are you modeling a network? How are your students networking? Try this classroom example of teaching students about networking for their future. Try talking to students about how to connect for learning and creating a Student Learning Network! Need to know more? This webinar from PBS LearningMedia’s “Get Your Tech On” series discusses social media in the classroom.
Task 3:
Part of being a good citizen includes connecting and communicating with people in a respectful way, regardless of background, opinion, or platform. Anonymity on social media can be a tempting way to leave hurtful or rude feedback or comments when you don’t see eye-to-eye with others. It’s important to remember that being respectful of others is an expectation in all walks of life. This Digizen resource explains what you need to know about using social media for positive purposes, provides reports and data for sharing, and offers activities to practice positive networking. Have students try one or all!
Task 4: Assigning the "marketing" of your class to your students can be a great way for them to take ownership, understand the value of connecting and collaborating with others, and an authentic way to practice good citizenship!